Sunday, November 27, 2005

Recognizing Consensus Building

Another article on consensus building :THE UNSEEN ENEMY THAT'S STEALING AMERICA

Just maybe there ARE more people waking up.
Something's happening if we we're talking or writing about it It can't go much longer unoticed.
They're not unseen or unheard about now!


This is interesting too:The Consensus Building Institute

NCR's John Allen, Jr. Weighs-in on Vatican doc.

Vatican document bans most gays from priesthood

I wonder what happened today?

"Bishops Preach Against Stem-Cell Research"

I would like to hear from those in this diocese. Did your parish address this issue in the homily?

Another State to Consider Gay Marriage

Washington court considers gay marriage

We see all the battles being "set-up" now.

Our Blessed Mother-of the Miraculous Medal on this 175th Anniversary of the Miraculous Medal please pray for us!

O Mary conceived without sin. Pray for us who have recourse to you!

More on Boston's Catholic Charities

Catholic charity? It is an editorial view...and I consider the source.

"BY SNUBBING the annual Christmas dinner for Catholic Charities, Archbishop Sean O'Malley seems to be saying that believers like himself must sometimes turn their backs on the common good if there is conflict with the church's strict religious tenets.
Such a narrow, polarizing view could hardly serve the city well and is especially disappointing during a season associated with tolerance and good will."

"Yet in the opinion of the archbishop, the Catholic mayor's good works would seem to be negated by his support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage."

"Menino may be out of sync with some church teachings, but he and other successful politicians know about productive compromise."

A wealth of dissenting information in these quotes! Since when did a shepherd of the Church site opinion instead of her teaching? It doesn't sound as though that has happened. He is following and teaching the tenets of our faith.

It reminds me of those moments in the classroom when I was in Catholic elementary school. Remember when the student next to you was scolled for his bad behavior? And then he continued to disrupt the class to which the teacher decided that all would be punished because the teacher had enough? Well, that's whats happening now. We are all getting the lesson because others choose not to follow the teacher.

It is so very sad. Our prayers continue!