Friday, August 17, 2007

Shunning isn’t an option

Knights of Columbus will "attempt to persuade," but not expel, pro-abortion members.

And the Republicans were silent

SB 777 -- a “Stealth Attack” advances through the California legislature.

FR. Z on EWTN: Live “Tridentine” Mass on 14 September

"HP" in Iran

Persian Translation Of Fake "Harry Potter" Hits Iran's Bookstores

Iran TV Program on How Young Iranian Men Pick Up Girls on the Streets of Tehran

Days of Messiah

Bible Christian Society

A MUST bookmark/favorite website!
John is AWESOME! He shares his knowledge of scripture and instills confidence so that all can defend the Faith!

Fr. Euteneuer's Spirit & Life: The Victory of “Emily Rose”

And Fr's last letter: The “Sacrament” of Abortion

EWTN to televise TLM live Friday Sept. 14th 2007

"Veil tip" to Shawn Tribe at The New Liturgical Movement---EWTN to Televise Live Tridentine Mass Celebrated by the FSSP from EWTN's own Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Federal ID plan raises privacy concerns

SPP - Sign Petition!

SPP News Items - Before the Meeting

Negotiating North America: The Security and Prosperity Partnership (download - pdf.file)

Critics fear superhighway to integration

Security beefed up for 'Three Amigos Summit'

Senior U.S. delegation schedules Press Conference in Canada's capital August 20, in solidarity with activists against the SPP

On Eve of SPP Summit, 110,000 Citizens Sign Petition Opposing Move to North American Union

North American leaders can flip the channel on summit protesters

Upcoming Meeting Fuels 'North American Union' Fears

Yes, Virginia (Dare), There Is An SPP. And It Means (Big) Business

Opposition growing to quiet moves to integrate US, Mexico, Canada

Canada gears up for SPP protests

Where's the transparency in the 'Security' and 'Prosperity ...

Making the most of sharing a continent

SPP is public. By that alone, it cannot be seen as a secret agreement secretly arrived at. I won’t waste time on conspiracy theorists – they who smell treason everywhere. But when, with the help of the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch can uncover official memos talking of the likely need for "stealth" to make SPP acceptable to Canadian, American and Mexican publics, it’s time to insist on openness.

SPP info needed

McManus Goes to Canada with Anti-SPP Delegation (John Birch Society)

Hudson Institute Press Release announcing the publication of a report on North American relations on the eve of the Montebello summit

Canada gears up for SPP protests

Amero - Parody

¡Está aquí! 'Amero' makes coinage debut
Parody designer imagines North American Union currency

"Get real, stop theologising: Bishop Manning"

"We're not interpreting [the Gospel] in the terms that Christ wanted us to and that is in our attitude of loving other people, and especially loving those who are below our status and people who are suffering," Bishop Manning said.

"Intimate contact between priest and people is lacking to some extent. We've become too professional; too administrative. And I include myself in that. The role of the bishop has become very much centred in his chancery office whereas, what was Christ's attitude to all this? He was out there with the people all the time. I think we've lost that very important contact between the shepherd and his people.

"We've become a middle class church we've lost the poor people out of our schools “ we've become too middle class; our schools have become too costly “ and, to me, that's telling a story right through the church. We are neglecting the poor and the needy."

"My conclusion is that as we climb up the social ladder and become nice and comfortable in our lives with money and affluence and everything else we don't need God. I think this is what has happened in many of our parishes," Bishop Manning said.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Peek Behind Closed Doors

Make sure you read the pdf file listed in this article --> Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Ministerial Meeting held in Ottawa on February 23rd, 2007

Recent CDF memo recommends that Catholics not participate in Vassula Ryden events

Archbishop denounces “Catholics” who fight against Church teaching

Mexican priest warns Church does not approve of devotion to “St. Death”

Lessons on Homosexuality Move Into the Classroom

St. Catherine of Siena

'Veil tip' to Gerald at The Cafeteria Is Closed---Photo: St. Catherine of Siena & sisters

Digital Angel Corporation Awarded Tender by United Nations Agency

International Atomic Energy Agency to Microchip Llamas in Peru


"the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is an agency of the United Nations, has awarded Digital Angel a tender to microchip llamas in Peru. The IAEA wants to ensure the llama population remains unaffected from nearby nuclear power plants. The initial order calls for 1,000 microchips and two readers."

Peruvian llamas to be guinea pigs

Getting those chips in the llamas could be tricky, the newspaper noted, since animal experts say the woolly beasts of burden, weighing up to 500 pounds, are known to spit and bite. Llamas have a reputation for being quick learners and are "extremely curious and alert."

= )

VeriChip to provide microchips to dialysis patients